A Migration

Greetings followers (if you exist)! I am now posting on ianconcannon.substack.com if you wish to read more. I will be starting grad school soon which will either fill me with creative writing inspiration or sap my energy so updates will become sparse. Well, either way, I managed to write two blog posts while in COVID […]

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Brief Thoughts about school

My workplace is having an internal conversation, a symposium if you like, taking a step back to ask some big questions about school and our positioning within the institution of K12 education. Here are some thoughts from our founder, tackling the question “What is school?” …I was thinking about the items that are clearly missing […]

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from the classic Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse: The image of his father, his own image, and the image of his son all flowed together; and the image of Govinda, and other images; they all flowed together. All became the river, all of them striving to reach their goal, longingly, eagerly, suffering, and the river’s voice […]

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In Mass

So I haven’t added to this project in a while. I also haven’t kept any sort of journal or log since concluding my XC career last year. And while it may seem like not much happens on a daily basis in working life, the world continues to turn ’round and I am undeniably in a […]

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Final Thesis Copy

CONCANNON THESIS FINAL This thesis examines the role played by Williams College and Williamstown in the exile of the Pahlavi royal family of Iran. Drawing from local and national archives and oral history interviews, I unite two historiographic periods—the close US-Iranian alliance that lasted until 1979 and subsequent period of national antagonism—to explore American cultural […]

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Dark Days – 82 minutes One of the more gripping documentaries I’ve ever seen, shot on B&W film by an amateur photographer who tracks a group of homeless men living in abandoned railroad tunnels underneath the streets of NYC in the 1990s.

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spring break 35 mm

Exchanged my Kodak 400 for a friend’s roll of film for the black & white shots, resulting in some pretty eerie double exposures/corruptions and whitewashed landscape shots (I had never shot black and white before.) Learning more about framing and technical skills every time I get the chance so that there’s less randomness next time. […]

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